Backend development projects
UFO framework development and support
UFO framework errorsexploration and improvement, as well as the development of new functions. Operation and testing support.
Business frontend system development, Backend
Oracle PL/SQL, Java, Websphere
Proof of income
Development of an Electronic Income Certificate System for managing e-earnings statements. The application provides a link between the public, NAV and financial institutions. During development, we created integration and asynchronous communication between different and network-separated systems, using a Java toolkit. We provided the customer with a modern administration interface for monitoring the processes. The project represents a unique fintech solution in Hungary.
Oracle, PL/SQL, Java
E- postaláda (E-postbox)
Development of an administrative portal with workflow control for processing messages from customers and supporting the complete administration process. The application was implemented in a microservice architecture, which also enables the use of certain functions of the core systems. In addition, the application containing the Camunda workflow engine provides the workflow engine service for several other microservices implementing administrative functions.
Business frontend system development, Backend
Angular, Java, Camunda, Oracle
Introduction and integration of self-developed integrated test environment anonymizing system into the Fundamenta architecture.
back end, Data warehouse development, Anonymizatione
Oracle, MS SQL, Angular, PostgreSQL