Allianz projects
Allianz Health Program
Regular premium health insurance product for natural and legal persons. The product offers a choice of sum assured and service-financing methods, both in package offers and in individual configurations. Our company has developed the core insurance system (OPUS core) as well as two front-end systems, an administration system and a sales front-end interface.
Angular, Docker, JavaEE, Javascript, SSR, Oracle, SVN, Git
Business database migration
Allianz Insurance is introducing a new global contract registration system in Hungary. Industrial contracts in the current Core insurance system will be migrated to the new ABS system in several rounds. For this purpose a custom developed ABSM framework has been developed.
Oracle, PL/SQL
MTPL campaign
For several years, our company has been developing the systems required for the Allianz Motor third-party liability Insurance (MTPL) campaign. The renewal of the insurance policies at the turn of the year, the monitoring of year-to-year changes in legislation, the modification of the bonus and malus system, the development of pricing methods were all part of the project.
JavaEE, Javascript, SSR, Oracle database, SVN
WEO - business system
WEO is the internal web management interface for Allianz core systems. From here, you can manage all your customers, contracts, offers, claims, commissions, in short, everything that is important for an insurance company.
JavaEE, Javascript, SSR
MFO – Hungarian Home Insurance
New cloud-based frontend and BFF (backend to frontend) application for Allianz's new home insurance product. Which was developed specifically for the Hungarian market. The application guides users through the entire application process. There are two versions of the application, one for brokers and salespeople with slightly extended functionality, and another for the general public, which can be used by regular customers.
Oracle, PL/SQL, SVN, Java (Springboot) backend, Angular frontend
MSZ ISO/IEC 27001:2014 | Reg. number: IBIR/022(3)
MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 | Reg. number: 503/1331(4)